Collado spol. s r.o. was born on the basis of close cooperation with MUDr. Milan Krajíček, DrSc., A significant Czech scientist, author of 49 patents (Czechia, Europe, USA, Japan) and the founder of Czech vascular prosthetics.

Collado spol. s r.o. is the producer and supplier of collagen destines for further application and elaboration in the food, pharmaceutical, medical and cosmetic industry. Since 2016, the company has developed its own technological procedures of collagen type I production from five different sources – BOVINE – FISH – POULTRY – EQUINE – PORK and of three forms – NATIVE – HYDROISOLATED. We produce the collagen in form of concentrated collagen mass , collagen gel and lyophilisated powder. These products are tested for cytotoxicity, biocompatibility and sensibilisation and it is therefore prepared for further application in the food, pharmaceutical, medical and cosmetic industry. The production is in the SVHP regime and it is directed according to the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and ISO 22716.

Our partner is Holzbecher, spol. s r.o. barevna a bělidlo Zlíč, Faculty of Pharmacy VFU Brno and CEITEC VUT Brno, with whom we cooperate in the research and development of innovative biomaterials for health care. In close cooperation with the guarantor assoc. prof. PharmDr. Ruta Masteiková, Dr. and with the Faculty of Pharmacy of VFU Brno, we have been developing our own product line of cosmetic products from 2016, which we are preparing to the market this year.

COLLADO company s r.o. gained support and subsidies from the EU and the Ministry for Regional Development. More ...